Welcome to my ePortfolio

The initial impulse to start this project was the need to “take stock” of my learning as I neared completion of the Master of Educational Technology (MET) program at UBC, but it is something I’ve been wanting to do for some time now.

I think the main purpose of compiling this portfolio is to satisfy my own curiosity. I know that I’ve been making changes to my own teaching over time, and especially, as I have progressed through the MET program.  So, I see this as an opportunity to look back through what I’ve learned and try to assess just how much of an effect it all has had.  It also gives me a chance to revisit some of the materials as I try to integrate them into a larger whole.

While this project was started as part of the ETEC 590 Graduating Project, it is really meant to be more of a continuing personal project.  And, like most personal projects on the internet, it is a work in progress and will likely continue to be so.  It is my aim to use this exercise as the starting point of a more reflective teaching practice as well as a portfolio showcasing some of my work to peers and potential employers.

The video below gives an overview of the different parts of this site and how to navigate it.

Rubric for Evaluating this  ePortfolio